Philip Bethge is a science and technology editor with Germanys leading news magazine DER SPIEGEL. Philip is interested in all science related issues on the planet. On this blog, he reports on topics involving energy, conservation, space, medicine, biology and marin sciences to name a few. While working as a wildlife biologist (PhD, University of Tasmania), Philip studied the Australian Platypus and the Little Blue Penguin in Tasmania, Australia. His passion is his music.
Please read Philip’s award-winning DER SPIEGEL cover story on conservation (with Rafaela von Bredow & Christian Schwägerl) (PDF). Here you can enjoy Philip Bethges Ph.D. on the Australian Platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus (PDF). And please don’t forget to watch platypuses foraging at Lake Lea in Tasmania. Finally, please listen to Philip’s band, Hansagold.
Thanks go to the SPIEGEL International team, in particular Daryl Lindsey and Christopher Sultan, who translated most of the stories.