Super Sorghum for the Poor: Can Genetic Crops Stop the Food Crisis?
Super Sorghum for the Poor: Can Genetic Crops Stop the Food Crisis?

Super Sorghum for the Poor: Can Genetic Crops Stop the Food Crisis?

It will take some time before genetically modified crops can help the world’s starving people. One reason is that agricultural corporations are developing the wrong types of plants. In emerging economies like Argentina and India, most GM crops are cultivated for use in export products.

Sometimes the solutions to humanity’s problems are only a mouse click away. “How do you feed half a billion people in the desert?” a graphic on the Web site of the Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) project asks. The answer it proposes is: “Super Sorghum!” “Grow it!” the Web site, sponsored by a consortium of the agricultural industry and the scientific community, suggests succinctly. A happy, smiling child … More

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