Can Nuclear Power Offer a Way Out of the Climate Crisis?
Billionaires and leading researchers in the United States are developing next-generation nuclear reactors that are small, reputedly safe and suitable to modern power grids. They …
Billionaires and leading researchers in the United States are developing next-generation nuclear reactors that are small, reputedly safe and suitable to modern power grids. They …
Der Mensch beutet die Meere aus, warnen Umweltschützer. Doch wie sehr – und wie lange noch? SPIEGEL-Redakteur Philip Bethge diskutiert darüber an der Uni Kiel …
Jane Goodall beobachtete jahrelang wilde Schimpansen. Sie entdeckte, dass die Tiere morden und Krieg führen. Als Ökoaktivistin hat die Britin inzwischen mehr mit Menschen zu …
Schiffsabgase gefährden die Gesundheit. Warum dürfen sie immer noch die Luft verpesten? Ein Kommentar von Philip Bethge Das Wasser glitzert. Die Möwen schreien. Das Dickschiff …
Canada is home to the world’s third largest oil reserves. But extracting the black gold is difficult, and threatens to destroy both the surrounding environment and …
President Barack Obama wants to upgrade America’s transport system using high-speed trains, bringing a taste of what is a part of everyday life in Europe and …
In a SPIEGEL interview, former US vice president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore, 61, discusses Barack Obama’s environmental policies, the endless push by …
As global warming changes the face of habitats around the world, scientists are asking if humans can help save species from extinction by moving them …