‘Never Good News Having Particles in Your Brain’
Microplastics are everywhere, but nobody really knows what dangers they might present once they enter the human body. British toxicologist Rosemary Waring warns our oceans …
Microplastics are everywhere, but nobody really knows what dangers they might present once they enter the human body. British toxicologist Rosemary Waring warns our oceans …
In the past 50 years, Earth’s oceans have been depleted and acidified to alarming degrees. Sylvia Earle, a longtime marine scientist, explains her plan to …
Jane Goodall beobachtete jahrelang wilde Schimpansen. Sie entdeckte, dass die Tiere morden und Krieg führen. Als Ökoaktivistin hat die Britin inzwischen mehr mit Menschen zu …
Jane Goodall spent years observing chimpazees in the wild. She discovered that the animals can commit murder and wage war. As an environmentalist, the British activist now spends more time observing humans — and says she still has hope for humanity.
American sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson is championing a controversial new approach for explaining human evolution and the origins of virtue and sin. In an interview, …
In a SPIEGEL interview, synthetic biology expert George Church of Harvard University explains how DNA will become the building material of the future — one …
In a SPIEGEL interview, Craig Mundie, 63, Chief Research and Strategy Officer at Microsoft, discusses the companies future, the mistakes of the past, computing in …
In his best-selling book “Physics of the Future,” American professor Michio Kaku lays out his vision for the world in 2100. Kaku, the son of …